Friday, November 5, 2010

CAMBA Trails Back in Shape

A little over a week ago a near hurricane force storm rolled through the area. Southern Bayfield County was particularly hard hit. For CAMBA that meant a lot of trees down in the Cable and Namakagon Clusters, with Seeley and Hayward affected, but not quite as severely.

The good news is that the trees have mostly been cleaned up and all trails (except for a short segment on Ojibwe) are good to ride.

The lumberjack of the year award goes to the team of Stan Walzack, John Leighton and Dave Wiltrout, who collectively cut 444 trees while clearing the Namakagon Cluster Trails. "I'm a lumberjack and I'm O.K..."

Weather looks great for a bonus weekend of late season riding. Last chance before the deer hunters take to the woods, beginning Nov. 19 (trail riding not advised).

Thanks to all the volunteers who helped clean up all of the trails. It's been one of those years when it seems like this stuff just never ends.


  1. THANK YOU to everyone who cleaned up the trails following the windstorm. My husband and I rode the majority of the Namakagon, Rock Lake, Glacier & Patsy Lake trails today. The trails were in great shape, with not one tree across the trail. We saw the remnants of the many, many huge trees that had been cut and removed in just a week after the storm. We take care of trails in the Phillips area and know what a massive undertaking the clean-up was. We appreciate it!

  2. Thanks guys! I don't know if I should buy you a beer, or gas for your chainsaws.
    You Rock!


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